Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why don't you know how to use an apostrophe?

When you make a contraction the apostrophe REPLACES the letter(s) you are taking out. It does not go randomly in the word wherever you feel like putting it.

For example:

You all is shortened to y'all. The apostrophe takes the place of the "ou." So you should not write ya'll or 'yall unless you are mentally handicapped in some way.

Also, if you make a photo album for Halloween of the year 2010 but you want to be hip and cool and not write the 20 in the front of 2010 you should write '10. The apostrophe takes the place of the missing numbers "2" and "0." You should not write Halloween 10' unless you were 10 feet tall for Halloween. Which leads me to the next point.

The apostrophe can be used as a symbol for a unit of measurement called the foot. This is a measurement of length in case you are stupid. So if you are 6 feet 2 inches tall you can write 6'2". (the " is a symbol for inches). On the other hand, if you are selling a bicycle with a 58 inch frame you should not write 58' frame. That would mean the frame is 58 feet tall.

We are doomed.

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