Sunday, September 19, 2010

Parenting: The understanding method

Walking the dog this evening we came across a family walking down the street...Mom and Dad were walking and the kids were riding bikes. The daughter blew by the son and the son promptly started crying his eyes out about how slow he is...which was hilarious enough by itself. Then mom decides to showcase her amazing parenting skills. "You're upset because your sister is faster than you, is that right?" "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "Ok. Well mommy understands that you are upset because you aren't as fast as you'd like to be." "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "Well what if we let you ride in front of your sister, will that make you feel better?" "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
"I understand you are upset but unless you communicate with mommy, Mommy can't make you feel better."

What kind of crap is this understanding method? You can't communicate with a 4 year old like they are an adult. They are stupid. No wonder your son cries because he's slower than a girl. Maybe you should tell him to pedal harder or stop whining.


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