Thursday, September 23, 2010

Idiots Who Want to Impose Their Religion on Everyone Else

There is an on going controversy in a small local town over a Christian flag flown at a public war veterans’ memorial.  Evidently, an anonymous Afghan war veteran and the ACLU contacted the town council asking the Christian flag to be removed.  After consulting with the town attorney, the council voted “reluctantly” to remove the flag because of the possible legal costs would be too high for the town (not because they should protect the 1st amendment or anything like that).

This has not stopped locals from putting their Christian flag on the site (which the town had to remove) and from calling the town council members to complain.  Now, among other tactics, a group plans a 24/7 vigil for a month to keep a Christian flag at the site:

I’m sick and tired of myopic religious idiots trying to impose their religious beliefs on others.  These fools are spending time and money (to support a legal fight) to take away the 1st amendment rights of others and their ability to feel like their town and their memorial respects their beliefs (or lack thereof).  The anonymous war vet is afraid to give his identity for the safety of family!

I am perhaps more annoyed by the dumbasses on the town council.  Yes, they voted to remove the flag, but for the wrong reasons.  As members of a public entity, a local government, they should work to uphold our national constitution, not ignore certain parts that conflict with their fantasyland that the US is a historically “Christian” nation.  Have many Americans over the years considered themselves Christians?  Sure.  Were we, as a nation, founded on Christianity and have a national religion established in our constitution?  The answer to that question is an unequivocal “no.”

Believe whatever the hell you want, just leave me and others out of it.


  1. What I always wonder in stories like this is what these people could be doing to ACTUALLY promote their faith through, say, setting up a 24 hour-a day-vigil to end hunger, or spending their time to visit the sick, or make food for the homeless, or just pray for someone. Why do people put so much effort into anger and selfishness?

  2. Now Mrs. Lowe, those suggestions would make WAY too much sense.
