Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Horizontal v. Vertical

First...how am I just now getting invited to this blog???? There is some good stuff here!!!!

Today I went to the front office, don't ask me what I needed, I don't remember. In fact, now that I think about it, I'm not sure I even accomplished my goal. At any rate, let me set the stage for you. We have a main office secretary. Let's call her Mrs. A. I must admit, while I had my concerns at first, I've been impressed by Mrs. A so far this year. We also have an attendance secretary, let's call her Mrs. M. She sits at the window and spews this perceived importance and power.

This week, Mrs. A is at the beach (good for her! I'm completely jealous). In her absence, Mrs. M has closed her window and moved over to the front desk, desk. Let the chaos begin. As I walked through the office this afternoon, I heard Mrs. M talking to another teacher, who will remain nameless, and the conversation went something like this....

Mrs. M: What about the lines?
Teacher: What lines?
Mrs. M: The horizontal lines?
Teacher: Don't you mean Vertical?
Mrs. M: No I mean horizontal, the ones that go across.
Teacher: That's vertical
Mrs. M: No, vertical lines go side to side

Really? And you are the first person people see when they come to our school. The place we are educating the future of America? Perhaps we should start with the staff.

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